Why are some families more blessed than others? Why do some families flourish where others fail? Pastor Michael Annancy reveals powerful guidelines and truths from scriptures that enforce the success of children and families everywhere. When a child understands the importance of honoring their parents and those in authority, even when they are past the age of simply obeying what they say (although obeying one’s parents cannot be separated from honoring one’s parents), they unlock incredible blessings and the promise of living well and living a long life on earth while breaking the destructive chains in their lives here and now. In this book, they will uncover how parents can be well-informed to follow God’s ultimate plan for their lives. Children are a blessing from God. Parents have a part to play to get them to the point where the children leave home so they can reach and meet their target. Just because a parent made it does not mean the child will make it. They have to be taught and trained and learn the secret of true freedom, for this is right. Our children’s lives are worth fighting for! How you can get involved!

--Michael B. Annancy